Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Husna Turns 2 - 24/05/2014

24 May 2014 - Husna turns to 2 years old

that's mean you're be my girl about 2 years ago...
since you're born in world...
my status were changed automaticly to be a mother...
you're my heart..
you're my angel..
you're my love..

how can i forgot her besday...
just simple celebaration but it's too big just for my self & my small family..
thank you for all those people were joint us to celebrated her besday party...

with a beautiful 'upin ipin cake' named walnut butterscotch cake,
2 hot dominno's pizza delivery,
a plate of 'Puding Roti' made by ibu
2 bowls of 'nasik goreng' also made by ibu
a jar of cold fresh orange made by ibu too

'alhamdulillah'..thank you Allah for all this simply celebration

br dpt gamboo satu famili....

hepi besday sayang

kakak sgt hepi

kakak byk dpt hadiah

kek walnut butterscoth upin & ipin

nk potong kek pon pandang tempat lain

hidangan yg sedap!

makanan yg sgt byk! jom mkn kenyang2!

hepi desday abg arief

excited nye kakak

kakak da terliur pizza

salam sayang
** Hanez Syuhada **

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